Implementation of the BATIK PELANGI Program through CSR by PT GSI Lab for Families of Rare Disease Survivors
This research discusses the implementation of the BATIK PELANGI CSR program formed by the GSI Lab company and aimed at families of rare disease survivors. The purpose of this study is to explain the implementation of the program and the responses given by program makers, doctors, families of rare disease survivors, and explain the forms of social treatment contained in the program. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method. In determining informants, researchers used purposive sampling technique. Meanwhile, in this study researchers also used the social contract theory proposed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau in his book entitled "The Social Contract" and Stakeholder Theory proposed by Freeman. The results of the study explain that PT GSI Lab's CSR program, namely BATIK PELANGI, has the same intention as the social contract theory proposed by Rousseau, namely a business activity like a company does not only operate only to meet the company's personal needs, but must also think about the public interest. In addition, it is also explained in this study that the families of rare disease survivors are part of stakeholders, which are individuals or groups that have an interest in the establishment of a CSR program, so that they can influence or even be influenced by the presence of a company or organization in achieving goals.
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