• Wahyuni Idrus Sawerigading University
  • Zhulfiana Pratiwi Hafid Sawerigading University
  • Ali Rahman Sawerigading University
Keywords: Environment, Crime Environment, Law Criminal Environment


Environment life moment This is one of the most common problems debated in the world. Because of the impact bad caused​ man to environment life, condition environment life moment This become threat for existence humans in the future. In Indonesia, at the moment This anyone or​ any group that does action destruction environment is action illegal. Terms the in a way general referred to in the 1945 Constitution and related regulations​ with environment life. Implementation and enforcement law environment living in Indonesia, violation formal and material found​ in Constitution Number 32 of 2009, and influence law environment life to other things are just a number of problem environment life that will try under review in journal.


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How to Cite
Idrus, W., Hafid, Z. P., & Rahman, A. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT IS THE LEGAL BASIS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMES IN INDONESIA. JILPR Journal Indonesia Law and Policy Review, 6(1), 160-167. https://doi.org/10.56371/jirpl.v6i1.339