• Ahmad Faiz Alamsyah State University of Jember
  • Ayu Widia Pertiwi State University of Jember
Keywords: Corruption, Sting Operation, KPK


The state suffers losses as a result of corrupt practices. The general populace shares the state's concern over this crime. The state and public are experiencing instability, and the Corruption Eradication Commission's position and power are crucial in overcoming and minimizing this. So, a sting operation is one of the things the Corruption Eradication Commission does. In this instance, it's important to consider not just the procedures followed by the Corruption Eradication Commission during sting operations, but also the operation's legal foundation and any elements that may have impeded its success. Opponents of the OTT point out that the Criminal Procedure Code only uses the phrase "caught red-handed," which they believe to be inadequate. The distinction thus leads one to the conclusion that being caught red-handed is indeed unlawful. I perceive a logical error in reasoning with respect to this issue. Although this phrase is not used in any Indonesian statute, it is true that the Criminal Procedure Code does not recognize it either. But that doesn't imply the operation is inherently unlawful.


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How to Cite
Ahmad Faiz Alamsyah, & Ayu Widia Pertiwi. (2024). THE ANALYSIS OF THE AUTHORITY OF THE CORRUPTION ERADICATION COMMISSION IN CONDUCTING STING OPERATIONS. JILPR Journal Indonesia Law and Policy Review, 6(1), 55-63.