International Journal of Education and Social Science2025-02-08T12:23:03+00:00Otto Fajariantoofajarianto@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS) eISSN 2686-2239 </strong></p> <p><strong>International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS)</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles on all aspects of EDUCATION and SOCIAL SCIENCES. <strong>International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS)</strong> welcomes submissions of the following article types: (1) Papers: reports of high-quality original research with conclusions representing a significant advance, novelty or new finding in the field; (2) Topical Reviews: written by leading researchers in their fields, these articles present the background to and overview of a particular field, and the current state of the art. Topical Reviews are normally invited by the Editorial Board; (3) Comments: comment or criticism on work previously published in the journal. These are usually published with an associated Reply. <strong>International Journal of Education and Social Science (IJESS)</strong> publishes two issues per year, published by IPEST, International Peneliti Ekonomi, Sosial dan Teknologi, Indonesia, and published in <span class="st">English</span></p> of Financial Reports for UMKM Zulfan Olshop Based on Excel for Accounting2024-11-17T03:04:59+00:00Yulyanah<p>This research aims to find out how the recording system created by Zulfan Olshop is and to assist in the process of preparing financial reports using Microsoft Excel for Accounting (EFA). This research uses field observation methods, interviews and a simple Excel system. The analysis method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The output of the research is that MSMEs can have the ability to make financial reports using Microsoft Excel, where initially the Accountant still manually prepares financial reports, then they can use Microsoft Excel for Accounting (EFA) which adapts to EMKM's SAK. The preparation of financial reports using Microsoft Excel for Accounting (EFA) is made according to Zulfan Olshop's needs in the hope that it can help and provide positive results for his business in carrying out financial reports using Microsoft Excel for Accounting (EFA).</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yulyanah, Romenah, Ega Oktaviani Role of Public Relations at SMKN 3 Depok in Preparing Graduates Ready to Work in the World of Industry2024-11-17T03:05:21+00:00Djudjur Luciana Rajagukgukdjudjurluciana01@gmail.comKarin Septia Dwi Lestari<p>This research aims to find out about the role of school public relations in preparing students to enter the industrial world. Of course, the role of Vocational High Schools cannot be underestimated, there is no longer the position of Vocational Schools as reserve schools which are the second choice, if you cannot enter the desired high school. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods with a constructivism paradigm. This research collects data through interviews, observation and documentation and data analysis by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. Talking about the role of public relations means discussing an industry or institution that communicates with the public or society. Two-way communication is established with the public to provide support for management functions and objectives by increasing the development of cooperation and fulfilling common interests. So the role of public relations will be seen as an Expert Preciber (management expert or advisor). Public relations practitioners are considered as experts who can provide solutions to the public relations problems of an organization and management. Communication Facilitator means that public relations practitioners act as intermediaries, liaisons, translators and mediators, and ensure the realization of two-way communication between the organization and its public, Problem Solving Process Facilitator means that public relations is involved in solving organizational problems even though its role is still in the communication corridor.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) of Calculator.oi Application in Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Students in Elementary Schools2024-11-17T03:05:03+00:00Yayuk Dwi<p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Calculator.oi application integration in improving students' mathematics learning outcomes in Elementary Schools. This study focused on fourth-grade students at SDN 22 Ketapang and used a quantitative approach with an experimental method. In this study, the experimental method was applied to compare the differences in students' learning outcomes before and after using the Calculator.oi application. Learning outcome data were collected and analyzed using the Wilcoxon test, after the normality test showed that the data were not normally distributed. The results showed a significant increase in students' mathematics learning outcomes after using the Calculator.oi application. Analysis of the differences between pre-test and post-test scores revealed that all students experienced significant progress in their understanding and achievement in mathematics. The significance value obtained from the statistical test was below 0.05, indicating that this application had a significant positive impact and was effective in improving students' learning outcomes. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the Calculator.oi application be integrated more widely into the mathematics learning process in Elementary Schools. The use of this application is considered an innovative and effective learning medium in supporting the understanding of mathematical concepts. Further research is recommended to involve a larger sample size and different class variations in order to obtain more comprehensive and representative results. In addition, exploration of students' perceptions regarding the use of this application as a learning tool is also important. This will provide a deeper understanding of how the Calculator.oi application can be accepted and utilized in a broader learning context.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yayuk Dwi Astuti, Nurdiana, Yohanes Bahari, Warneri Of Wordwall In Formative Assessment To Improve Students' Learning Outcomes In Physics Subjects2024-11-17T03:05:06+00:00Dewi<p>In the era of modern education, the use of digital platforms can be designed to facilitate interactive learning and formative assessment. This study aims to examine the use of the wordwall platform in formative assessment to determine the level of learning outcomes in physics subjects. The scope of the study includes the application of digital-based formative assessment on the topic of measurement in class X. The study applies a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental approach using the Post-test Only Control Group design. The study population consisted of all 210 class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Selakau. The sample taken was 70 students consisting of two groups: 35 students from class XD as the control group and 35 students from class XE as the experimental group. The data were analyzed using parametric statistical tests to identify significant differences between the post-test results of the control group and the experimental group, which were assessed through multiple-choice questions. The results showed a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.00, which is smaller than 0.05, so there is a significant influence in the use of Wordwall media compared to Google Form. This finding identifies that Wordwall can be an effective formative assessment media in improving student learning outcomes, especially in physics subjects. Therefore, the use of Wordwall as a formative assessment media can be considered not only for physics subjects, but also for other subjects, in order to support a more interactive and efficient formative assessment process.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Fajaryati, Eka Ratnawati, Yohanes Bahari, Warneri Education Values in The Text of The Tumenggung Mask Wayang Against The Slangit Style Jinggananom and Its Use in Literature Learning2024-11-17T03:05:12+00:00Daniel Fikri<p>This study aims to describe the educational values contained in the Slangit style mask puppet performance. From the data obtained, this study describes the dance movements, characters/characterization, stories, and character education values reflected in the performance. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the Slangit style mask puppet art. (2) to describe the character education values contained in the performance, and. (3) to describe the character education values in the Slangit style mask puppet as a source of implementation in literature learning. The results obtained by the researcher are in the form of a description of the Slangit mask puppet art, the results of a study of the educational values contained in the dance movements and the story of Tumenggung vs. Jinggananom, and the use of stories in literature learning.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Daniel Fikri Alkhowarijmi, Taiman, Arip Amin of Code Mixing in The Speech of Coastal Communities2024-11-17T03:05:16+00:00Siti<p>This study aims to explore the phenomenon of code mixing in the speech of coastal communities of Karang Tawulan Beach, Tasikmalaya Regency. This study describes how local communities utilize code mixing between Sundanese, Indonesian, and foreign languages to form and maintain their linguistic identity. In addition, this study identifies the complexity of the influence of globalization that arises from interactions with tourists and immigrants from various backgrounds. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a sociolinguistic approach, emphasizing in-depth analysis of oral and written data.</p> <p>The results of the study indicate that code mixing is in the form of word insertion, phrases, and word repetition. Influencing factors include speech partners, communication situations, and communication goals. This study provides important insights into communication strategies in multilingual societies and suggests significant contributions to the development of language and education policies in the era of globalization, with the aim of supporting the preservation of regional languages in Indonesia.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nurohmah, Taiman, Supriyadin of the Principle of Cooperation in the Film Hangout by Raditya Dika2024-11-17T03:05:09+00:00Muhammad<p>This study aims to identify violations of the principles of politeness in the film "Hangout" by Raditya Dika. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and a pragmatic analysis method based on Grice's cooperative principle theory. The main focus of this study is to explore the forms of violations of the cooperative principle in the film's dialogues, by examining several violated maxims. Referential matching and Dell Hymess' SPEAKING approach are used in data analysis, which are collected through observation and analysis of film documents using the Free Listening and Speaking (SBLC) technique. According to the findings of the analysis, there are 46 violations of the cooperative principle covering several maxims such as quantity, quality, relevance and implementation. The film "Hangout" has several examples of significant violations of the cooperative principle, which highlights the need to understand and apply these rules in everyday interactions to avoid miscommunication.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Irfan, Taiman, Arip Amin Influence of Work Discipline and Motivation on Employee Performance2024-12-17T12:56:31+00:00Yhonanda<p>This study aims to determine the effect of discipline and work motivation on employee performance at the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Center Region II, South Tangerang City. This study uses quantitative method with an associative approach. The sampling technique used saturated sampling and the sample in this study was 82 respondents. Multiple data analysis using validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, coefficient of determination analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on performance with a tcount of 13.332 > ttable of 1.664 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.050. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on performance with a tcount of 12,600 > ttable 1.664 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.050. Discipline and Work Motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant influence on employee performance with a Fcount of 116.286 > Ftable of 3.112 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.050.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yhonanda Harsono of Journalistic Language in The UMKM and Cooperatives Column in The Online Media ekorantt.com2024-12-17T12:56:29+00:00Maria Triensy Oktavianaoktavianaensy@gmail.comLodowik Nikodemus Kedohjekjoy08@gmail.comViktor Ariestyan<p>Mass media plays an essential role in delivering information to a wide and diverse audience, including in economic reporting. Journalistic language, as a medium of mass communication, must adhere to the principles of clarity and simplicity to enhance readers' understanding. However, the implementation of journalistic language in online media is often suboptimal, with various issues such as ineffective sentences, improper spelling, and inefficient word usage. This study focuses on the application of journalistic language in reporting on MSMEs in the online media This research employs a qualitative approach with observation, document study, and text analysis methods on three selected news articles. Data analysis follows the Miles and Huberman model, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results show that although the three articles have implemented most of Hemingway's principles, such as using short, active, and simple sentences, several deficiencies remain, such as repeated information, lengthy compound sentences, and irrelevant phrases. In conclusion, by simplifying sentences, enhancing language efficiency, and avoiding irrelevant elements, text quality can be improved to meet Hemingway's journalistic standards, producing clearer, more engaging, and efficient news articles.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Triensy Oktaviana, Lodowik Nikodemus Kedoh, Viktor Ariestyan Sedu of The Role of Protocol and Communication of The Leadership of The Regional Secretary Office Sikka Regency in Public Information Services2024-12-17T12:56:27+00:00Galgani Yolandayolandagalgani1207@gmail.comLodowik Nikodemus Kedohjekjoy08@gmail.comViktor Ariestyan<p>This study aims to examine the optimization of the role of the Protocol and Communication of the Leadership (Prokompim) of the Sikka Regency Secretariat in providing public information services through the Sikka Buletin Facebook account. The focus of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of social media content management and communication strategies to increase public involvement. A qualitative approach is used to describe content management based on observations, interviews, and documentation studies. Data were collected through interviews with the admin of the Sikka Buletin Facebook account and followers as well as analysis of published content. The data analysis technique adopted the Flow Analysis Models of Miles and Huberman, which include data reduction, data presentation, and verification to produce in-depth understanding. The results of the study indicate that although Prokompim has attempted to manage content using the 5W1H elements with a formal but relaxed communication style, there are still challenges in increasing audience engagement. The main findings include low public interaction with posted content and less than optimal time and collaboration in content management. This study recommends a more planned time management strategy, collaboration with related agencies to enrich content, and a focus on audience engagement to strengthen the relationship between the government and the community through social media.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Galgani Yolanda, Lodowik Nikodemus Kedoh, Viktor Ariestyan Sedu Role of Public Relations in Educational Development in Higher Education Institutions2024-12-17T12:56:25+00:00Linda Afrianilindaafr23@gmail.comAgus<p>This study aims to examine the strategic role of public relations (PR) in supporting the development of higher education institutions. By adopting McLean's (2006) organizational development model, this study analyzes how PR practices can be integrated into each stage of organizational development, from planning to evaluation. The research findings indicate that PR plays a crucial role in building a positive institutional image, facilitating effective communication with various stakeholders, and supporting the implementation of organizational strategies. Through a literature review, this study identifies that PR is actively involved in every stage of organizational development, such as building initial agreements, communicating development plans, conducting organizational culture analysis, designing communication strategies, and evaluating the impact of interventions. This study concludes that the integration of PR practices and the organizational development process is key to enhancing the competitiveness of higher education institutions. By optimizing the role of PR, institutions can achieve their strategic goals, build stronger relationships with stakeholders, and enhance their reputation in the eyes of the public.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Afriani, Agus Timan Transformation of Archives through the SRIKANDI Application2024-12-17T12:56:22+00:00Marici Tekutiateku4@gmail.comJonas Gobangjonasklemens@gmail.comMarkus Retutianslash@ymail.comViktor<p>The digitalization of archive management represents a strategic step toward modernizing government administration. This study examines the implementation of the Integrated Dynamic Archival Information System (APLIKASI SRIKANDI) at the Regional Archives and Library Office of Sikka Regency. Key aspects explored include challenges in digital archive transformation, objectives of system integration, methodologies employed, and the outcomes achieved, alongside future prospects for improvement. The study highlights the role of Universitas Nusa Nipa students’ internship programs in supporting digital archive initiatives. The findings reveal that APLIKASI SRIKANDI has significantly improved the efficiency of archival management processes. However, technical limitations, inadequate technological infrastructure, and human resource constraints remain challenges. To address these issues, the study recommends enhancing infrastructure, offering comprehensive training programs, and developing inclusive digital communication strategies. These efforts aim to optimize system implementation and ensure sustainability in achieving a fully integrated archival management framework. This research underscores the importance of strategic planning and collaboration in driving successful digital transformation within the public sector.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Marici Teku, Jonas Gobang, Markus Retu, Viktor Sedu Application of Technology to Human Resources in The Civil Servant Recruitment Selection Process2024-12-17T12:56:33+00:00Rika Hasanahrikakhusnul8@gmail.comTontowi<p>This study explains the application of technology in human resource management, specifically in the process of Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) recruitment and selection. The aim of the research is to analyze how technology can enhance efficiency, transparency, and objectivity in this process. The method used is descriptive qualitative research with a literature review approach. Through this method, relevant journals and literature are systematically reviewed to gain in-depth understanding. The findings indicate that technologies, such as the use of Computer Assisted Test (CAT) and e-Meterai, play a crucial role in supporting better human resource management. These technologies not only reduce paper usage (paperless) but also improve document validity, accelerate administrative processes, and enable more accurate decision-making.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rika Khusnul, Tontowi Jauhari NTT Editorial Team's Strategy in Improving News Quality2024-12-17T12:56:20+00:00Sisilia Jaru Oncijarupinkannggaja160@gmail.comLodowik N. Kedohjekjoy08@gmail.comMayelus Dori<p>This research explores the editorial strategies implemented by the editorial team of Ekora NTT, a local media in East Nusa Tenggara, in improving news quality in the digital era. Using a descriptive qualitative approach, this research analyses the news production process that involves multiple fact verifications, the use of supporting technology, and continuous training. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, internal document analysis, and direct observation. The findings show that these strategies significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of news despite challenges such as limited human resources and infrastructure. These results support previous literature, including studies by Hermida (2019) and Newman et al. (2022), which highlight the importance of synergy between technological innovation and capacity building of journalists in maintaining news quality. This research contributes to the development of mass communication theory and provides practical recommendations for other local media in addressing similar challenges. By adopting similar strategies, local media are expected to continue to act as a credible and relevant source of information for the public.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Sisilia Oncinia Jaru, Lodowik N. Kedoh, Mayelus Dori Bastian and Inhibiting Factors for Implementing the Independent Curriculum for Fine Arts2025-01-06T12:58:15+00:00Putri Ningsihputriwahyuningsihjj@gmail.comAbdul Rahman<p>The independent curriculum is a learneru dar-centered learning approach, which provides freedom for them to develop talents according to their interests. However, in its implementation, there are problems related to supporters in implementing the curriculum used now, especially in Fine Arts learning at UM Laboratory Junior High School. The purpose of this study is to describe what are the supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and implementation strategies for the independent curriculum in fine arts learning at UM Laboratory Junior High School. The method used is a qualitative method using a case study approach according to Miles and Huberman, using three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study obtained a description of the supporting factors at the school, namely adequate facilities, between teachers collaborating in designing teaching devices, teachers getting training, parental support, and the use of technology in learning, inhibiting factors at school teachers are difficult in classroom management, time constraints, restrictions on the use of technology, and teachers are difficult to motivate students who lack interest in art learning, the strategy of these obstacles, namely, teachers always motivate students and persuade gradually until students want to do assignments, if the teacher is unable then the teacher will contact the parents, the school tries to minimize the time for participants in the class.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Putri Wahyu Ningsih, Abdul Rahman Prasetyo of Interactive Digital Modules to Increase Knowledge of 3-Dimensional Fine Art Creation Material2025-01-06T12:58:12+00:00Rifka Komala Syabilarifkasyabila01@gmail.comAbdul Rahman<p>Cultural arts subject matter on the creation of 3-dimensional applied art works uses a general summary of the material without adjusting the needs of students and integrating technological developments. Students of class XII-E at SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang experience problems in un-derstanding the knowledge material of the creation of 3-dimensional works of art. The solution that can improve students' understanding of the material is the development of flipbook-based interactive digital modules. This research aims to analyze the needs, develop more innovative and interesting digital modules, describe the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of inter-active digital modules in cultural arts subjects on the material of creating 3-dimensional applied fine art works in class XII-E at SMA Negeri 1 Tumpang. The method used in this research is using R&D (Research and Development) with the 4D model by Thiagarajan with 4 stages namely Define (defining), Design (planning), Development (development), and Dissemi-nate (dissemination). The results showed that students need more interactive media. The results of the material and media expert validation trials scored 96% and 90% with very valid criteria. The results of the practicality test of the flipbook-based interactive digital module are feasible to use with 93% module practicality test results with very feasible criteria, and the effectiveness test gets 0.78 if adjusted to the N-Gain Score obtaining high category effective criteria. The criteria obtained indicate that the use of interactive digital modules helps students understand the mate-rial for creating 3-dimensional applied art works very effectively in the learning process.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rifka Komala Syabila, Abdul Rahman Prasetyo Influence of Price and Promotion on the Decision to Use Services at Rosebeauty Studio in Pasar Kemis Tangerang Banten2025-01-18T13:31:16+00:00Herdina Dwi<p>The purpose of this study was to determine how Price and Promotion Influence the Decision to Use Services at Rosebeauty Studio in Pasar Kemis Tangerang both partially and simultaneously. The method used in this study is an associative method with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is the Slovin technique with a sample of 98 respondents. Data analysis using validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, descriptive analysis, simple regression analysis, correlation coefficient analysis, determination coefficient analysis and hypothesis testing. The results of this study price has a positive effect on user decisions with the regression equation Y = 18.028 + 0.579 X1. The correlation value of 0.621 means that the two variables have a strong relationship with a determination coefficient of 38.6% while the remaining 61.4% is influenced by other factors. Hypothesis testing obtained t count> t table or (67.765> 1.985). Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning there is a significant influence between price and decision to use services. Promotion has a positive effect on decision to use services with the regression equation Y = 8.293 + 0.774 X2, the correlation coefficient is 0.754, meaning that both variables have a strong relationship with a determination coefficient of 56.8% while the remaining 43.2% is influenced by other factors. Hypothesis testing obtained a calculated t value> t table or (11.242> 1.985). Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning there is a significant influence between Promotion and decision to use services. Price and promotion have a positive effect on decision to use services with the regression equation Y = 6.931 + 0.185 X1 + 0.635 X2. The correlation coefficient value or level of relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is obtained at 0.768, meaning that it has a strong relationship with a simultaneous determination coefficient value of 58.9% while the remaining 41.1% is influenced by other factors. Hypothesis test obtained F count value > F table or (68.152 > 3.090). Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there is a significant simultaneous influence between price and promotion on the decision to use services at Rosebeauty Studio in Pasar Kemis Tangerang.</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Herdina Dwi Cahyani, Munarsih of Digital Payments as Moderation of Business Units2025-02-08T12:23:03+00:00Irma Shantilawatiirmashan.uis@gmail.comYuni<p>In line with the development of current trends, not only is meeting needs made easier, but in terms of payment transactions, it is also increasingly developing where people no longer have to provide physical money. People need convenience in terms of fulfilling their needs, as well as in terms of payment transactions, both from the consumer and seller side, so the current convenience requires people to use cashless more in every payment transaction. Therefore, the use of QRIS technology as Digital Payment is a positive trend for business actors in Indonesia and consumers. The research results show that QRIS has a positive and significant effect on consumer decisions in using QRIS transactions. However, there are obstacles faced, namely that not all consumers understand how to use QRIS and not all business actors also use QRIS. So there are difficulties for consumers who do not understand the ease of cashless payment transactions. The method used in the research uses quantitative data targeting MSMEs in Indonesia. From this background, the author conducted research with the title Digital Payment Development as Business Unit Moderation (Case Study of MSMEs in Indonesia).</p>2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Irma Shantilawati, Yuni Mayanti, Depi Hasanah